WE CELEBRATE JIM JOHNSON’S RETIREMENTfrom Music Ministry TODAY! Please don’t miss a special Coffee Hour following the 10am service as we thank him for everything he has done for St. James!
LAST CHANCE TO UPDATE YOUR DIRECTORY INFOand photo before the reprint! You can do so by sending a message togoodnews@saintjamesgi.netwith your updated picture and information if needed before Sept. 3, 2024.
THE MONTHLY COFFEE CLUB ORDERis being called in this coming Tuesday, September 3. Feel free to take a look around the CoffeeAM website and let David Hartwell know what you’d like to order by noon on Tuesday. As a coffee club member you will pay as a rule 20+% less than the retail prices on CoffeeAM’s website. Call or text David at 313 318-9009.
OUR BACKPACK PROGRAM IS BACK! We are so excited to announce that our backpack program with GI Public Schools has been approved for the 2024/2025 school year! Thank you for making this program so successful our first year. We will tentatively begin the program the week of September 16. We again will provide a backpack filled with 2 breakfasts, 2 lunches, and 2 dinners plus snacks to students in need, identified by the schools, every Friday. We would love contributions that are individual serving sizes. Examples: juice boxes, milk boxes, Mac & cheese, cereals, Chef Boyardee spaghetti, cheese and crackers, peanut butter and jelly, etc. Please contact Mary Ann Danville if you have any questions. There is a drop-off box in the hallway by the office!
THE STEEPLECHASERS WILL BE HAVING A “REDO”of the movie The Forge. There were 16 Steeplechasers who went to the 10am movie showing at the MJR Southgate Cinema of “The Forge” on Tuesday — it was worth so much more than the price of admission, and then afterwards we went to lunch at Brickhouse in Wyandotte — both were magical.
If you weren’t able to fit that road trip into your busy social schedule, take heart — this coming Tuesday, September 3, you can have a do-over! Aticket on Tuesday is only $5, for any showing! For more information call the Steeplechasers Hotline: David Hartwell — 313 318-9009 Kate Hartwell — 313 318 3275
A CHURCHFEST POTLUCK & BOUNCY CASTLE IS SEPT 8– It’s a celebration of our life together and a kick off to our program year! Bring a dish to pass and enjoy the Bouncy Castle at our last outdoor service of the year on Sun, Sept 8.
THE FREE ECW WELCOME BACK LUNCHEONwill be held on Sept 15, 2024 from 12Noon- 4:00PM at Westshore Country Club located at 22843 West River Rd. Grosse Ile, Mi. The lunch is free to all St. James women. See Judy Christie, Blanche Hutchinson or Chris Robertson to sign up.
10AM SERVICES RETURNto the main church on September 15th.
A BLESSING BOX TEAM MEETINGwill be held on Sunday, September 8. We’ll meet in the Fireplace Room at 9am. Please mark your calendars for this exciting new ministry.All are welcome to attend, so feel free to come even to just learn more. By love, we serve one another.
CAN YOU HELP WITH THE FB LIVESTREAMS? Jennifer Johnson is adding to her team! You would be there to run the livestreams during Sunday service, which includes greeting them as they log on, share the peace with them and send them on their way at the end of the service. Please reach out to Jennifer, or the office, if you are interested!
NEW DIRECTORIES WILL BE AVAILABLE AT CHURCHFESTon Sunday, Sept 8. Please update your email, cell phone number, and photo by sending a message togoodnews@saintjamesgi.net
THE BIBLE JESUS READby Philip Yancy, is our next book group book. With five stars on Amazon and over 600 reviews, this easy-reading book is $6.99 in paperback. Book Group meetings start up on Thursday, September 5. We’ll meet in the library from 10:30am to noon. Read the Preface and Chapter 1 for our first meeting.
“LISETTE” BOOKSall about the life of our founder, Elizabeth Denison Forth, are available in the office for a donation of $15. These have not been available for decades, so don’t miss this chance to get a copy!
FREE CHRISTIAN BOOKSare available on the two white tables in the main hallway by the office. Take as many books as you want.
THE FALL RUMMAGE SALEis right around the corner! We are acceptintg rummage from Weds, Sept 18, to Sat, Sept 28. It’stime to start cleaning out closets and getting all items together. Kindly spread the word. The Pre-sort week starts Monday, the 23rdof September as a “Brown Bag Lunches” week. We provide lunch during the main Work Week which starts Monday, September 30. If youhave any questions, please contact Blanche Hutchison313-657-1726
THE MENS GROUP WILL BE SELLINGSpring Flowers” box bags for only $6, or a bag made from recycled plastic bottles for only $2. Proceeds from bag sales help the Men’s Group with the benevolences they support. Look for a sample of each bag on the bulletin board easel in Galloway Hall. Free delivery at church this Sunday. See David Hartwell before the 10 o’clock service (I’m an 8 o’clocker), or write down your wish(es) on the order sheet on the bulletin board. Supplies may be limited so, first come, first served. Reach out to David atdhartwell4@yahoo.comor 313 318-9009 cell / text.
COVID IS BACK ON THE RISE, so monitor your health and stay home if you feel ill. This variant is supposedly super-catchy and very unpleasant. If you get COVID we strongly recommend that you visit the doctor asap, as there are medications that may shorten the illness if taken early enough.
WOW (WOMEN ON WEDS) IS BEGINNING“The Gospel of John” with William Barkley, commentator. WOW is a self-study group who takes turns meeting in members’ homes. All are welcome! Please contact the Sue Hartley if you are interested. a
HELP WITH BRASSA group of people come to church on Thursday mornings to polish the church brass together. There is a rotation, so that a few things are done each week and everything is done once a month. It’s fun, helpful, and social. Could you help? Reach out to Diane Mammo orGwyn Duglass. Thank
OUR CHURCH CALENDARis just a click away atSaintJamesGi.net.Click on the prominent link on our home page to see all the things.
GET THE GOOD NEWS WEEKLYin your inbox by signing up ateepurl.com/hfL-Az. Add us to your Contacts:stjamessunrise@gmail.com
MEMBER DIRECTORIESare available in print or PDF.
A MIDWEEK SERVICE AND LUNCH POTLUCKis held in the chapel on Wednesday mornings at 10:15am. The potluck lunch follows.
WHEN SCHEDULING EVENTS, check the church calendar online atwww.saintjamesgi.net. To be added to the calendar, you must schedule with Colleen in the office at 734-676-1727 oroffice@saintjamesgi.net.
SERMONSare posted atYouTube.com/SaintJamesGiandsaintjamesgi.net
FR. PHIL’S OPEN OFFICE DROP-IN HOURSare Tuesdays from 4-6 p.m.
NEW MEMBERS,please fill out a new member form on the resource table so we can reach out to you
with parish updates!
GLUTEN FREE WAFERSare always available at communion. Just ask!
SECRETARY OFFICE HOURSare Tue 9-2, Weds 9-3 & Thurs 9-4
CALL OR TEXT FR. PHILat 734-775-7140.
PLEASE TURN IN A PLEDGE CARDfor 2024. Online cards can be found by scanning this QR code with your phone or atwww.bit.ly/SJ-grateful. Please be generous as we look at an expansion ofministry!
What’s Coming Up Next?
Have an event to add?
Send us a note atgoodnews@saintjamesgi.net
Men’s Group bonfire – Sept. 7, 6-9pm
ECW Welcome back lunch – Sept. 15
CHURCHFEST – Sunday Sept 8
ECW Welcome back lunch – Sept. 15
Rummage Set Up – Sept.21
Rummage Pre-Set up – Sept 23-27
Rummage Work Week – Sept 30 – Oct. 2
Rummage sale – Oct. 3 & 4, 9am-4pm
Rummage Sale – Oct. 5, 9am – noon
Men’s Group bonfire – Oct. 19, 6-9pm
Mali Sauter | Sep 3 |
Mary Sawnick | Sep 5 |
Lisa Humphrey
Philip Metz Sr.
Jim Fowler
John M.
Walda Hura Martha Gape Bettine Cleaver
Marie Johnson Carole Vandenberg
Meren James
The Benson Family
To add your birthday, anniversary, or prayer,
email us atgoodnews@saintjamesgi.net
(Please check with people before adding them to the prayer list.)
August 31
Blanche Hutchison
Sue Callahan
September 7
Gwyn Dugliss
Sue Johnson
Christine Milkins
September 14
Diane Mammo
Wendy Holmstrom
Lois Zook
August 31
Gwyn Dugliss
Stuart Cartwright
Larry Southerland
September 8
Gwyn Dugliss
Zach Lewis
Merri Lewis
September 15
Gwyn Dugliss
Pete Jett
Cyndi Jett
August 31
8:00 1st Reading Mike Callahan
8:00 2nd Reading Phil Metz
10:00 1st Reading Jack Hartley
10:00 2nd Reading/EM Nancy Crysler
10:00 Prayers and Chalice MaryLou Cartwright
September 8
8:00 1st Reading Judy Alford
8:00 2nd Reading Hubert Hermann
10:00 1st Reading Alicia Shelton
10:00 2nd Reading/EM Erin Shelton
10:00 Prayers and Chalice Jane Colwell
September 15
8:00 1st Reading Sarah Bates
8:00 2nd Reading Jim Holubka
10:00 1st Reading Julie Kohn
10:00 2nd Reading/EM Andrew Johnson
10:00 Prayers and Chalice Blanche Hutchison
10:00 Crucifer Elliot Paik
10:00 Acolytes Drew & Henry Lakatosh
September 15
Pete Jett
Cyndi Jett