Captain Midnight | Adventure | Old Time Radio Downloads (2025)

Captain Midnight | Adventure | Old Time Radio Downloads (1)


Captain Midnight | Adventure | Old Time Radio Downloads (4)

Captain Midnight was an aviation adventure fantasy that gained notoriety during the late 1930’s. Written by Robert M. Burtt and Willfred G. Moore, this series was initially broadcasted over the WGN network in Chicago and sponsored by the Skelly Oil Company. The show caught the eye of executives at Ovaltine, and they took this old time radio program to Mutual Network in order to reach a wider market. What started off as a simple narration of a fictional World War I hero named Captain Jim “Red” Albright (portrayed by Bill Bouchey on WGN and later by Ed Prentiss on Mutual) soon morphed into something much bigger than anyone could have ever anticipated. A historic icon was born in the golden age of radio-- the masked crusader, “Captain Midnight”. Before long, millions were avidly following the exploits of the secret agent and his band of merry followers that took each listener to exotic places around the globe. From aerial dogfights to shadowing the slums of the underworld, Captain Midnight together with the ever-faithful Chuck Ramsey and Patsy Donovan (who was later replaced by Joyce Ryan) gave chase to evil-doers and brought them to justice. In a time that was rife with the smell of gunpowder and the threat of war, this old radio show injected a sense of levity and normalcy to the populace. Dive into a world of adventure by enjoying Captain Midnight today! Click here to read more about Captain Midnight

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Please enjoy these 135 old time radio episodes:

Air DateTitleSynopsisRating
04.20.1944mountain battle

+ Sponsored by: Ovaltine. In South America, Captain Midnight has a confrontation with Senor Schrecke...

11.01.1944dangerous flight

Sponsored by: Ovaltine. In South America, Captain Midnight has a confrontation with Senor Schrecker,...

08.14.1946double cross

+ Captain Midnight is battling Ivan Shark in Mexico for the formula to a "secret bacteriological wea...

03.12.1947the slave smugglers

+Sponsored by: Ovaltine. Captain Midnight is disguised as "Shelby," and is planning a trip to "namel...

04.07.1947the map of mystery

+Sponsored by: Ovaltine. The dead body of Ivan Shark is used as a trap for the Secret Squadron. Capt...

04.21.1947we who are about to die
05.14.1947stolen star

+ Sponsored by: Ovaltine (shake-up mug premium). A plane has been forced down in a Mexican jungle an...

03.26.1948the jewels of the queen of sheba

+Sponsored by: Ovaltine. The Captain downs the enemy after furious dogfight. A "Secret Squadron Sign...

12.08.1948the return of ivan shark

+Sponsored by: Ovaltine. The Captain and the Secret Squadron are in a tree surround by hostile

01.10.1949secret submarine base

+Sponsored by: Ovaltine commercial partially deleted (Key-A-Matic Code-A-Graph). The partial first c...


Captain Midnight is my favorite OTR show.



The opening of this juvenile air adventure was the sound of a tolling of a bell, the roar of a plane and the announcer saying Captain Nnnn Midnight! It was broadcast on the West Coast from 1939 to 1940, then on Mutual from 1940 to 1949. Midnight was based very loosely on the real-life adventures of Captain Red Albright, a WWI flying ace.



I completely enjoyed Captain Midnight in perada’s treasure and the Mysterious Voice. Have been hoping for decades that more from the Skelly run would surface, but none have.I did discover a lost episode from the Ovaltine series five or six years ago.



My grandson likes Captain Midnight. Sponsored by the Skelly Oil Company in here in Tulsa.



The October 1947 Captain Midnight radio scripts featured a new kind of gas. Ivan Shark is in a Washington prison and his daughter, Fury, has found an eccentric professor who has invented one of the most extraordinary gases ever discovered! It is so powerful that no gas mask can stand up against it and it spreads like lightning to a surrounding area of almost a quarter of a mile! The gas does not kill, it merely puts everybody into a deep coma! The professor also invented an immunizing tablet that renders the gas harmless to anyone who swallows one. Both the gas and tablets last for two hours. If you need more time, you simply release another cylinder of gas and take another tablet! Fury has obtained some of the gas and tablets to get her father out of prison! Fury leads Gardo and three henchmen to the prison. All of them take a tablet and a small cylinder of gas. Fury drops off one man off at each corner of the prison while she returns to the main gate. She fires a shot into the air which is the signal for the men to release the catches on their cylinders! Anyone who arrives at the prison for the next two hours will crumple as though they had been hit by a blackjack! From inside the prison, the warden hears a shot in the distance, the telephone rings but he collapses before he can answer! Fury calmly walks in with Gardo, they find her father, slip a tablet into his mouth, he regains consciousness and walks out of the prison! The 1964 James Bond movie, "Goldfinger", used a similar gas on Fort Knox. It was sprayed by airplanes and hundreds of soldiers collapsed, seemingly unconscious! I wonder if Ian Fleming ever listened to Captain Midnight!



Eleven days before the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in a November 26, 1941 Captain Midnight radio broadcast, this dialog took place at Pearl Harbor ... MID: Everything points to a plot against our outposts in the Pacific. Sometime we can expect a lightning attack. When or how that will come I don't know. JONES: An attack! But certainly not against us here! This is one of the strongest naval bases in the world! MID: I agree. But here's the way I look at it. Anyone planning to take away our Pacific possessions must sooner or later capture the Hawaiian Islands. JONES: Right! And if they start something, say in the Philippines or at Guam, we'll be well-prepared for them here. MID: Exactly! Therefore, why not attack here first? If this falls everything else falls with it. JONES: It seems incredible! But I suppose a blitz attack would not be impossible! The invader would have to accomplish two things. He would have to block the entrance of Pearl Harbor so that Naval vessels inside couldn't get out and all of the air bases on the island would have to be destroyed -- probably by dive bombers. MID: I realize all that but if the invader caught us completely by surprise --



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Captain Midnight | Adventure | Old Time Radio Downloads (2025)
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Author: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

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Views: 5378

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (44 voted)

Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.